Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Radical Change

As usual, something is happening in me. It always is, really. But I am aware of something brewing at this moment. I am full of doubts and questions, but certain things have happened recently that have led me to think I must move a certain direction.

I am learning what it means to radically follow Jesus. I mean really as if it were all literally true. I don't want to play mental gymnastics with his words. What would life be like if I really, literally believed he was directing my every step? What if I am everything that I dream, hope for? Everything that has been spoken about me?

I once fell in love with this kind of life. I never really forgot it. I just get dulled and snowed in by other thingsfor a while. Each time a bit more of the illusion sheds away as I wake up.

But I want ot keep planning. I want to keep organizing. The voice of my culture and training screams that I am doing wrong...sometimes quite literally when I talk to my mother or father. But even they are beginning to see it. They just can't let go yet. The truth is, I have realized I'm not really holding onto anything in the first place. It's only God's mercy and patience that allow me to believe the illusions anyway.

I'd love to describe where I'm going with this, but the truth is I don't know. I feel like I'm taking a trust fall. Not one on my own terms...not one with parameters that give a margin of safety, but like Neo taking the red pill (what an awesome metaphor), I have no idea what will come next. But I'm trying desperately to open my mind and heart to it.

The premise is this: Jesus found people and said, "come follow me." They went. That's it. No organization. No planning. They literally left what they were doing and followed him. He's still saying the same thing. That's all. It sounds different now because he isn't physically present, but in a way that is both harder and easier. If a man walked up to you at work and said come with me. Would you go? In that sense, feeling a deep near-irresistible draw to Jesus is a much easier thing to assent to. But on the other hand, the first disciples had a person to touch and a voice to hear in their natural ears. This is easier to be certain of than the fickle tuggings of one's heart. So in the end it balances. Paul says that each of us was placed in exactly the right time for us to be. I have no control over that.

But I am feeling more confident that I can trust Him in my heart and life than I have before. I am starting on a day by day, moment by moment faith. Listening, watching, doing what I am asked to do in that moment. Without regard for the outcome. Without regard for human structures or traditions...not that these are necessarily bad, only that I know they are not to be a rule for me. Nothing replacing that moment by moment trust.

My hope is that I will find this increasingly possible. That he will be increasingly proved faithful. That this is my way out. We'll see.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Control is an Illusion

My life is about control. I think yours is too. Most of us put it in different terms security, happiness, peace of mind, goals. But it really means control. Sometimes we don't even notice how we need control. We fear the unknown: places, people different from us. We dislike things that we feel we can't control: animals, weather. We harbor in cities and comfortable neighborhoods. We sacrifice freedoms to gain a semblance of security, control.

In my case, I fear people most of all. I can't control them at all. I don't understand them. Where some fear wild animals, weather, oceans, wilderness, I am actually more comfortable there because in those situations what I can't control is obvious and the elements I can't control make sense. They behave according to laws or principles. Granted many don't understand this, but it's true. A shark isn't being deceitful. It is what it is. It behaves a certain way. We can interact, or avoid interaction based on those rules. And behind it all, these things submit to my God. They are loyal to his order. But people are not. They cheat and deceive, change on a whim, hide, manipulate, and even randomly act without sense. They are not bound to follow God's order...ultimately they are of course, but they have a choice to act against God where elements and wildlife do not, or at least very very rarely ever choose to go against that order.

But in all honesty, whatever ways we strive for control, it is always an illusion. We had no say in when, where, or how we were born, the conditions of our life, the state of our health. We have very little control over these things in our ongoing lives. We can manage risk factors, but even this is no guarantee. Any doctor, philosopher, warrior, gambler, or statistician would say so. I do not pay my bills by my own strength. I simply push out that buffer of security as far as I am able; to the limit of reasonable risk. But this is hollow. It could all end at any moment. I have no guarantees and could do nothing about it anyway.

Perhaps this is what bothers me so much about a life that seems blind to this reality. Perhaps this is why I feel so much at ease in the wild where others find even less control. There, I am free to let myself be out of control. To focus on the next moment only. The next breath, the next stroke, the next hand-hold. At any slip I could die. There I am fully in the hands of my God.

The trick is, I am never less in His hands. Not at work, or among the crowd of riotous partiers, not lying on my futon. I do not need to fear even there. I have no more control in these situations. I only have more illusion of it. I have no less control in the others, only less illusion of it. That's why I hate this work-a-day life so much. It is a lie, a blinding fluffy down of comfort that smothers all objections and dulls all senses back to sleep. I will get out of it. I don't know how or when, but it is coming.

Perhaps I have more to learn before that can become a reality for me. Perhaps I need to learn to trust in each moment. To live in that freedom that comes knowing I have nothing to do for my life. I need to learn to trust Him that fully. In that trust, I'll be able to enjoy each moment the fullest. Savoring each good thing, caring not a lick for the maybe, and enduring the bad with patience and resilience.

We often hear that this is possible in our regular lives. God doesn't require us to move or change anything really. Only to change our attitude. And that is true in a way. But it is often taken too far out of context. So far that it becomes an excuse for perpetuating the life-sucking institutions that feed the illusions we are so addicted to.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Rabbit Hole

Lately more has happened. I feel like I'm approaching a convergence of some kind. A metanoia. I am really feeling a need to shed false pretenses and be who I am. the problem is that who I am is not widely accepted. It isn't narrowly accepted. It just plain isn't accepted.

This was highlighted by a recent exchange in which I revealed a bit too much in a setting where I thought it would be safe. Man, was I wrong. The bulletfire rained down on me, mostly from someone I considered a friend. Honestly, I don't blame him too much. I knew how he was and what set him off. As I have blogged before, when my true self leaks out, it is often denied, attacked, or hurriedly swept back under the rug because people are uncomfortable with it. Heck, I'm uncomfortable with it. It's an uncomfortable state of being! Made worse by the fact that I am so communicative and good at pretending.

I had once found a group of people that healed me in a lot of ways. They validated my outlook. They allowed me a space to be who I was. We were all misfits, so we welcomed the company. But that ended, and for good reason. It had become corrupted by our own problems. But I do desperately miss the ability to relax in myself. To not be guarded all the time. Even in my own home, I have to be guarded because my son is sensitive and easily freaked out. If the full measure of my personality came out, as has leaked, he loses it.

So for a long time now, I've had terrible dreams. Every night almost, I wake up numerous times and in the morning feel drained as if I've been struggling all night. The dreams vary, but often have the same issues leaking in. I can't determine where it comes from or what needs to be done. But recently, I became aware that this must represent some repression trying to break out of my subconscious. so I asked a friend who is very good at dream interpretation what he thought.

In a few sentences he explained things about me that I had not revealed. That he did not know. He acquired it simply from my description of the dreams. That was all it took to poke a hole in the damn. The trickle started through and I delved deeper into my own existence, making connections. I haven't sorted it all out. It just happened today, and this blog is part of that processing. But as usual, many things in my life have started to coincide...events, chance happenings, thoughts, memories out of chronology, etc.

It all has to do with my frustration at having buried who I am. What I need to live. But man, it's in deep. I haven't even begun to scratch the surface of it and I'm honestly a bit scared to. The last time I began down these paths, I nearly lost my mind altogether. Already, the doubts are beginning to attack the anchors in my reality.


I broke to read to my son before bed. We're reading the Chronicles of Narnia. we're on The Silver Chair. Wouldn't you know, Jack has come through again. What we read tonight opened a whole lot more to me. The whole book even fits so timely. So, I think I can write it now. Starting way back.

I've been confronted with the idea lately that God is a projection of my own mind. Sure, I've heard that before. But it's different reading about it, or apologizing against it than encountering it in action and word and deed. It seeps into my head like a dark spell...it might actually be. I find myself trying to remember why I thought God was anything else. What evidence I can cite seems always to be swallowed up nicely in the idea. "I subconsciously created it all. I longed for it, needed it, and it occurred. But this is not a bad thing", the spell goes, "only the same thing in different clothes. One is all, all is one...eternally God, eternally me, aspects of myself...I am God. God is me. As I face the truth, I will see it is so." Just like the Green Witch, enchanting the four heroes that they imagined any world but hers. So hard to fight it, it seeps in like music, like incense fills a room. My defenses become hazy as my mind is lulled. "And when I realize this truth, I'll realize that goodness is all there is. Move toward goodness, toward happiness, what makes me feel good, and I move toward God because I am God and my desire is for myself, so pleasing myself pleases God." It's an insidious poison. Just like Rillian lives in his enchantment happy and carefree all the time. But it is pain that brings the heroes out of it. Not just any pain, but the pain of the Marsh-wiggle, the melancholy depressive. It is he that is most resistant to the spell, and it is his self-inflicted pain that breaks the enchantment. Good God! Thank you!

This is why I hurt my foot. Even a foot like in the book. This is why my head hurts so much recently. This is why I've become acutely aware of the restrictive and deadening nature of my chair at work, which I am "strapped to" increasingly...and it's silver!! Oh God it's too much! This Rabbit Hole is deep and strange.

I am dark. I was made dark. I am gloomy. I am angry. I see things gravely. But it is this gravity, this severity, this darkness that is my nature and my grace. I didn't make myself. But I can be myself. I don't need to change. I don't want to heal from this. It is a blessing and a part of the Body. Is the mouth a foot? I am what I was made to be and can be no other. I am tired of trying. I'm sorry for denying the holy goodness of my own existence, even if the whole world denies it. I have seen the sun, I have seen the grass and the trees and the Lion. And with a taste of that, this world pales. Even if I never see it again, I choose that over this dark and hellish planet. I'm sorry, this life is NOT worth living. It is NOT beautiful. And I will stake my entire soul on the one hope that the Lion is real. That I did not dream up the true world.

I will make changes. I will live in this understanding...God give me strength. I don't know how far down this particular hole goes, but I'm in. The crazy thing is (just one crazy thing?) that I can now see again how the real world is set crosswise through this one. We draw the lines in the wrong places. That's one of the reasons I am so misunderstood. When I deprecate this life, most people immediately jump to "suicidal", but that is not the case at all! My natural eyes see the same boundaries, but my real eyes see the true nature. (This is not going to make sense.) The Kingdom of Heaven is within you. Because the Earthly physical world is false does not mean that all physical is false. The Kingdom of the Air and the Kingdom of Heaven are not divided along the lines of physical and nonphysical, heart beating and not beating...

wow, this is too much. I have to stop. My mind is winding down for now.