Saturday, January 28, 2012

Who cares?

I am SO not the mainstream. That would sound like a cheesy poser line if I was spouting it in public. But in this case, I mean it as a not so surprising self-discovery. I could go off on that tangent, but I'm going to try to make a point.

I recently heard and read about this debate over high heels. Good/bad, subjugation/liberation, etc. I won't repeat the argument; look it up yourself. I felt like I ought to have an opinion here. Everyone else seems to. Instinctively I fell toward the side that they are subjugation and bad since I'm told they hurt and they prevent the wearer from being able to do anything remotely physical...which could actually be dangerous in a life-threatening context and contribute nothing to survival value. But that tipped me off to my opening statement. Who else even thinks like that? I'm sure some people do, but not the bulk.

So then I heard a statement that the type of beauty most appreciated in a woman is not what comes from the artificial posture induced by heels or from the sex-is-power persona that many women try to adopt. I agree with this too in very strident ways. But then I read some of the counters to that, not ironically, from someone who uses a pinup as the logo for her female-centered blog. (Proving the previous point, yeah?) Anyway, in those arguments for heels I can see how it might not be totally evil and certainly wasn't developed as a hobbling tool. So this side portrays the arguments against heels as bra-burning tactics.

That's when I reached my final conclusion...Incidentally this whole scene took about 10 minutes start to finish...I don't really care. Wear them, don't wear them...I just don't care. If you do, know they don't make you any more or less impressive to anyone who matters. You can be equally impressive and independent and confident without uncomfortable shoes. If you don't wear them because of some agenda, you're probably being silly; there are bigger fish to fry.

But that's not all. I have also been recently bombarded by political ads and commentary. OK, you know what, I don't care about that either. It is wrong to have to play games and deal around the politics to get something done for society. Government should do it because it's good and right. Debate should simply center on whether that is the case or not. So I refuse to play the game of lobbying and vote haggling. And for those of you who aren't invovled in government and therefore never really experience that, you aren't getting it right. I don't care which side of the mystical two party fence you fall on. You are two aspects of the same thing. To paraphrase what someone recently wrote, regardless of which side you're on, that means the other half has it all wrong. What kind of system can work when half the players are pulling the wrong levers? Which is even more clever a statement than the author intended because it proves the point that the two parties are not really as opposed as they hype. That's why the system can function at all. If one of the two sides was really that bad (whichever it side might be) the system must needs fail. Since it doesn't collapse so easily, they must not really be so different on the issues which keep the system running...for one they agree that the system should function as it does: votes, two parties, campaigning, etc.

But I'm getting off my point. The point is, everyone has an opinion, everyone wants to make it heard. Everyone needs to get their words in on the hot topics. I don't care!

What do I care about? Having food in my belly and a safe place to sleep. Enjoying my family and my life. Doing things that better the world around me in some fashion. Helping those who are placed within my reach to help. Being whole and at peace. These are the things I care about. I'm sick of listening to that other crap.

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