Last night, I spent a good long time writing a blog only to have it glitch and disappear on me. That is the most frustrating thing! But I have to assume it just wasn't supposed to be published. Honestly, I've had that same glitchiness save me many times in the past when I would be writing some invective or other. Then, voop! It's gone and the energy is expended. The fire is out. And fortunately, I didn't send it to anyone. But last night, was not an invective at all. In fact, it seemed one of the more poetic and beautiful things I've written here...shows what I know, right!
Well, lately, I've been thinking a lot about something that I think I need to process here in writing. I don't really know where this will go. I've been bugged to death lately about certain things that happen in church. I don't get the authority structure. I've tried to buy in, or at least sit down and shut up, but it just isn't clicking. I don't believe it. People keep trying to "educate" me or bring me along, but I just want to stand on the table and yell BS! I mean, I love the people. I know we're all just working our faith out the best we can. I know the motives behind it even. Here's what I mean:
I grew up in a very evangelical nondenominational church with conservative roots in the Presbyterian end of the hall. The church was run by a group of elected elders, the pastor was one of them, but had no single control or leadership role. His job was to teach and guide. This church was drunk on scholarly knowledge and quenched spirituality, and plagued by politics and in-fighting. My Dad, one of the deacons and later, elders, used to come home and frustrated over the drawn out arguments and ulterior motives. They were stifled in it.
Now I go to a church that is the polar opposite. Nondenom. with strong Baptist roots and its a cult of personality. Run by one man and his vision. The rest of us are supposed to jump on the band-wagon and make it happen or get out of the way. I have to say this is efficient in some ways. Things get done. There's no politics. But, man, it's a his-way-or-the-highway setup for anyone under the pastor and his team. I am confident from talking with him and other pastors in the leadership there that this is not his intent, nor even his understanding, but that's the message we get from the lackeys! I've watched so many people leave angry or upset because they couldn't get even an ear to hear what they had to say.
Well, I can play that game too. What if I were to say that I was as much of a visioned leader and prophet of God's will as they make this guy out to be? What if I was to say, I'm the crusader sent by God to be the voice of the trampled, the unheard? A modern voice crying out in the wilderness? I've got as much claim to it as anyone!
But I'm not saying that. It's pure ego to do so. Why is it that those who claim to follow Christ so often abandon his example in favor of made-up institutions. The body of Christ is the people. Churches, the Ekklesia, are people, not organizations. Jesus defied the leaders of his day that lorded their power over others in the name of God. He derided them openly. He never spoke that way to the "sinners". To the hurting or confused individuals. Only to the self-righteous religious.
Sure there are authorities that are in place and for good reason. People need governance and guidance. But no one is entitled to their title. The first shall be last. And the greatest shall be the servant of all. I know this pastor and his team would agree. But they need to call down the religious zealots and flatterers that are running amok telling everyone that God put them in authority and they are allowed to issue orders. If not, their negligence will be their downfall.
God is merciful, so people wil be fine, but no single church is some great bastion of the Elect any more than any other. We're all right about some things and wrong about others. All have sinned and fall short. The real church, sits crosswise through all of our institutions. And to pervert plain words and common sense in God's name will quickly be seen as the falsehood it is. People will leave...and the fact is pastors, your people take care of you as much as you like to think you take care of them. Don't forget that. churches are on every corner and you delude yourself to think yours is that different. Just look at any church website. They ALL think they're different. Don't lord power or let it be lorded in your name.
Jesus is humble and gentle in spirit. Not self-seeking or self-exalting. Not flattering, but gritty and real. Sad that so many good people will be deluded and then delude others. Better to teach those who will listento think for themselves. To evaluate and weight the words of even yourself. Don't revere leaders, whatever they have is what they have received, just like us. All should be equally respected, regardless of station.
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